Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things that Make Me Laugh

Sei Shonagan was the lady in waiting to the Empress of Japan in the tenth century AD. Besides being full of court scandal, her "Pillow Book" contained lists of things that corresponded to certain emotions. "Hateful Things," "Lovely Things," stuff like that. Some of it seems pretty judgmental (such as the fact that she finds people who sneeze hateful), but a lot of it is hysterical. I like lists. And since I have one to write for class next week, I thought I'd get a jump start. Plus, it's a great way to remember the funny things we did over break.

Lime Juice
Mispronunciations of the word "alphabetize"
Snowballs in the house
Snowballs in general
Hand signals
Silly movies
Trying to understand Borges
Fuzzy bathrobes
The tattoo song
Five Days a Stranger
That last one deserves two lines. Talk about weird.
Confusing other people
Laughing--seriously, laughing makes you laugh more
Watching people agonize over playing 4 on a couch
Playing volleyball
Cooking--funnier than it sounds
The "Awkward Chair"
The Mario cookie cutter for your mashed potatoes
Coughing (or does that go the other way around?)
Writing children's plays
Acting out said children's play designed for 30 with just 2 (in public places)
Drinking coffee
Walking in the snow--I can't help smiling, sometimes even giggling as I walk through campus. Why is that?
Leaving things (much) later than anticipated
Dancing--I crack up every time...
Nothing: And in explanation, I think that "nothing" is what we laugh about the most often. It's the little things, the nothings that add that spice of irony, that twist of humor to otherwise mundane moments. You can laugh harder about nothing than anything else, because it needs no occasion to occur.

Ahh, it's been lovely. Have a jolly day, and have a laugh!