Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Layout Anyone?

I don't like it. Not really. But I was bored with tan.


thebeloved said...

Like the title... Like the picture... don't really like the colors... kind of scary actually.

Diane said...


thebeloved said...

Better now... btw... talking to Tammy about your knee... she tore her ACL about 8 years ago. She explained to me all about it... screws, scars, cutting out pieces of her hamstring.. one day surgery... it took her 6 mo before she was playing soccer on it... they have it down to a science and the therapy... they know what they are doing... you will recover quicker tha she did... It is really important to know what his (your doctor's) physical therapy plan is... He should be able to hand you a packet... it is there... even online... maybe I will have her write you. I am trying to type here as she talks but there is soooo much. Needless to say, pretty soon I will know more about this than YOU do! hahaha... I guess I didn't mean to put all this on your blog, but she was talking and I was already typing to say that the new tan, black, orange layout is better than the red... Love you lots... I am glad I will be home to take care of you this summer! Guess maybe you'll have to teach me to drive stick.

Laurel said...

Wow, yes you did have a lot to say. And yes, I got an entire packet of surgery and post-surgery recovery and therapy stuff, which details out what you do over six months to get back up to full activity again. And yes again, you're going to have to learn to drive my car. :) Trust me, this one is harder to kill than the old one. But there is a possibility that you'll be driving me around for over a month. Hehe. I love you!

thebeloved said...

Great... new talents for the summer... I will e-mail you my preliminary summer schedule and then you will have to tell me when and where you will need me regularly. ;) (Oh, and Tammy asks which leg it is?)

Laurel said...

Right leg.