Monday, November 27, 2006

Winter has Struck

Yes, the season is upon us, in which everyone drives under the speed limit and people generally agree about one thing: it is very cold. Twenty-one degrees when I left the house, and it progressively got colder. In order to reflect the change of season, I have changed my blog to a somewhat wintry feeling space. The blue is the color of my neighbor's car, and the white accents are the snow covering it. Actually, to be perfectly accurate, the larger space should be white, with some blue accents, since you can't actually see the cars around here.

Winter, however, is bearable. All it takes is a cup of steaming coffee in your hand, and a puffy coat, and a scarf. Then all is well. Unfortunately... all is not well. The Nuart espresso machine has succumbed to Nuart Curse, and is broken. Not a drop of coffee do I have, and I am seriously considering running to One World to remedy the situation. I am coffee-less, and I am cold. Beware. Winter has struck with a vengeance.

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