Friday, December 22, 2006

Driving in the Dark

If I had dreamed last night, it would have been an awful dream about evil red eyes blinding me in the dark as I followed, endlessly followed them up and down and around and forever. I didn't dream about this because I didn't dream at all. I was dead asleep, and still sort of am. My mom and I drove to Spokane last night to pick up my sister. Mom doesn't like driving in the dark, so I drove. It was about 8 pm when we left Moscow--dark. By ten we had her, and we had us, and we were with my grandparents. What did we not have? Luggage. That didn't come in until the 12:00 flight. So, by 12:30 we were again leaving the airport and on our way home. Dark again, so I drove. They actually play pretty good music at 1 am. But the lights! The terrible blinding taillights of the van in front of me would not go away! To dark to see around him without my brights, too icy to risk it anyway, we traveled at 42 on a 60 for what seemed like forever. 2:45 am and I knew I never wanted to drive again. I guess now I'm just glad to be home. I'm braindead, but home, with my sister.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Re: Chem Paper

I recall mentioning that our classmates didn't really appreciate our chemistry paper. And I also recall mentioning that we liked it better our way. It turns out that for once, we were right. A+ on the paper, and no final for the three authors. We were pretty pleased.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Engaged People

It's a funny thing. Engaged people always seem to think that everyone else around them should be falling in love too. They'll even go so far a sign language to communicate their suspicions about completely unsuspicious persons to you. So if you see the sign language, beware. Someone is thinking about you.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I have, as of this moment, freed myself of a great burden. My English paper has been turned in. Yes, 21 pages, 18 resources, 3 genres, and 6284 words later, I am done (not like I was counting or anything). Add to the mix a few gallons of coffee and a sugar intake equal to that of the entire month of November, and you've got my last week pretty much down. All that's left is a quick Calculus final on Thursday (but who studies for math?) and an appearance at a Chemistry final which I won't have to take in all likelihood. Can you wonder that I'm practically leaping out of my chair in ecstasy?

Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Verdict

Well, the verdict is in from our classmates. After reviewing a 17-page paper written by three Logos students, they came to this conclusion: We use too many rhetorical questions and we're awfully wordy. Too bad; we decided we liked it better our way.