Monday, February 12, 2007

Clothes: $60; Pictures: Priceless

This is possibly my favorite post ever. Patsy lost a bet. This is the result.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Thrice in the Last Week

I must look trustworthy. Maybe I have an aura about me that says, "Don't worry; I won't steal your stuff. Really." Maybe it's my calming presence or the fact that I don't have tattoos and my hair is reasonably kempt. For whatever reason, it just keeps happening to me. Someone in the Commons sitting relatively close to me will get up and say, "Hey, can you watch my stuff for a sec?" The implication is that these people don't want to have their laptops and backpacks stolen. But sometimes I just feel like screaming at the foolishness. For all they know, I COULD BE A THIEF!!! I don't scream. I just say, "Sure." And then I sit and insure that no one steals the laptop or backpack or jacket that they have so blithely left in my care.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Speaking of Hemmingway...

One would expect an Engineering and Physics building to be well engineered. It seems logical, intuitive. Perhaps the electricians just forgot to come to work on this one. I walked into the first floor bathroom in EP today and noticed that yes, it was clean, and that is a very good thing and not to be taken lightly. But according to Hemmingway (here's where he comes in), a place, be it bar or bathroom, is only pleasant if it is "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place." I didn't like the story; it was about drunk people about whom any reader cares not a whit. But one thing I demand in concordance with the author: light. The switch was flipped on in the bathroom but darkness hung heavy in every corner.