Friday, February 9, 2007

Thrice in the Last Week

I must look trustworthy. Maybe I have an aura about me that says, "Don't worry; I won't steal your stuff. Really." Maybe it's my calming presence or the fact that I don't have tattoos and my hair is reasonably kempt. For whatever reason, it just keeps happening to me. Someone in the Commons sitting relatively close to me will get up and say, "Hey, can you watch my stuff for a sec?" The implication is that these people don't want to have their laptops and backpacks stolen. But sometimes I just feel like screaming at the foolishness. For all they know, I COULD BE A THIEF!!! I don't scream. I just say, "Sure." And then I sit and insure that no one steals the laptop or backpack or jacket that they have so blithely left in my care.


thebeloved said...

You know... I got that all the time too. We do look alike..?

Laurel said...

It makes sense with you. You simply exude trustworthiness. Even though we look similar, I still don't think I've got that the same way you do.