Friday, March 9, 2007

I Despiseth, Therefore I Rant

So all these people are up in arms about the new VandalMail Live system. I guess it doesn't support IMAP, or POP or something like that. I don't care about those. What do I care about? The fact that I can't transfer my inbox from my old account to my new one; the fact that there are advertisements on the side of my email page; the fact that my email account is trying to act like Facebook and Blogspot and Flickr all at the same time--when I just need to get some email!; the fact that I can't reorganize the stuff on my page the way I like it; the fact that I've spent over an hour on the ITS help website trying to solve some of these problems, and can't!! For instance, my old inbox messages show up in my VandalMail Live Desktop thing, but not in my new email Inbox. Why is that? What is this Desktop thing anyway? Why can't I get rid of all the useless icons cluttering up my email page? It reminds me of all the commercials advertising combination medicines for runny noses, sore throats, headaches, and coughs. It's like VandalMail is trying to 'cure' me of all of these symptoms that I don't have! I just need some water, that's all, not Benadryl, not Ibuprofen--and please save the Viagra for someone else!

Perhaps I am just a sentimental person attached to the cleanliness and orderliness of my old VandalMail page. I am just rejecting change. Maybe I'm stuck in the past; maybe this new thing is going to be better. Hmm. Nope. This is confusing and unnecessary. A school email should be just that--a scholarly sort of thing, not a facebook-wannabe, hotmail-ish, trashy sort of thing that takes hours to set up.

There's my rant. I dislike the sort of change that causes many problems and solves none. As I said, I despiseth it much. Now I'm done.

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