Saturday, April 7, 2007


Today, I can walk. It's an old kind of stale saying, but it's true: you never realize how valuable something is until it's taken away. And my goodness, walking is so NICE!! We'll see about volleyball. Right now I'm in cautious mode, because while playing would be wonderful (I'm jealous every time I see the people out on the sand courts), I value walking too much to risk it on a short pleasure.

I also have a short story due on Monday. It's going to be awful. And I know that because at this moment I have a grand total of about 4 pages out of 20 done. Incidentally, I also have no plot. Because it's going to be so awful, I thought I would subject my few but faithful readers to its awfulness a couple of pages at a time over the next week. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey laurel,

it's jill. this is a really random question, and i would email you, but i forgot your email :( ANYWAYS, what software did you use to make my superamazing graduation present? email me at to let me know. thanks so much! i miss you!