Saturday, May 12, 2007

I haven't played tag in years.

Theoretically, once you're tagged with this thing, you're supposed to list seven random facts about yourself, and then tag seven more people. I only bend to the rules so far: I will put up some random facts, but I will not tag other people (mostly because I don't know enough people in blog world that haven't already done it).

1. I take back the title. I love playing tag, and have most likely done it recently.

2. I find working Calculus problems to be an effective method of stress relief.

3. If you switch the letters in my name around, you get the word "allure."

4. I drive a stick shift car, and will never go back to an automatic. I can't explain it, but I'm addicted to the manual transmission. I hear it's a common affliction.

5. If someone were to give my life a color theme, they would most likely pick teal because I have so much teal stuff. I know, I know--the color of gangrene.

6. The only place I should never be allowed to enter with someone else's credit card is a used bookstore. I'm helpless.

7. I don't like whipped cream. According to some (*cough* Patsy), this disqualifies me from voicing any opinions about food whatsoever.

Happy Saturday to you all!

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