Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Ironies of a North Idaho Church

Should you have passed by the log cabin on Howard Street between the hours of 9:30 and 9:50 this morning, you would have seen an interesting sight. First you would have noticed the 50 or so people milling about on the front lawn. We looked like churchgoing folk too, so why were we outside? The fact was, our one deacon had had the talent to lock his key to the church building inside it. And nobody else has one. Deacon Knecht will never live it down. Ever.

Had you stayed around to listen to the conversation, you would have heard several plans for getting in. One, we could break a window. But that's messy, and you have to pay for the damage. Two, we could get a ladder and get Matt Gaither in through the chimney. He wasn't so hot on the idea. Three, we could pick the lock. Or maybe we couldn't; several prominent church members attempted. And had you waited a bit longer, you would have seen a parishoner produce a tool box from his truck. Then you would have seen the pastor of All Souls Christian Church breaking into a building by removing the hinges from the front door. Yep, we took the door off, and then we unlocked it. (And then we put it back on, of course.)

A day to go down in Church history to be sure.


thebeloved said...

Ahh, the hilarity of imagining a whole church led of course by the pastor in an exercise of "breaking and entering"... very funny... I can just see them all!

thebeloved said...

You have been tagged! hahaha... have fun... I thought you might need some motivation to post again...xoxox